#HallofShame: 22% Women at Collision Conference 2016

“Collision is our vision for a new type of tech conference for America: A meeting place for people who are both building the companies of tomorrow and managing the companies of today. Women are a huge part of this. We’re committed to making sure our event is as inclusive and diverse as possible, so we’ve set aside 150 tickets for women in tech.”

— Calling All Women in Tech —

Actions speak louder than words. While Collision Conference is happy to add more women to their audience, they’re much less interested in having women appear as experts onstage at their conference. They extended tickets to 150 women in tech, but only put 42 women in tech onstage compared to 146 men. Collision Conference 2016 features only 22% women.

Having women in the audience is important, but it’s not a replacement for having women experts onstage. This is particularly outrageous based on the range of industries Collision Conference speakers represent. Musicians, CEOs, writers, social media managers, and more will all appear onstage at this year’s conference.

Collision Conference, where are the women?

Collision Conference starts on April 26th: It’s not too late for them to make a change in 2016. Share the text below on Twitter and Facebook, or send Collision Conference an email, and encourage them to prioritize adding women speakers to their events.

Tell Collision Conference that we need women on the main stage, not just in the audience.

Share on Twitter and Facebook:

Only 22% women speakers: where are the women, @collisionhq? http://app.genderavenger.com/plot/XuWNdCT #CollisionConf #genderavenger

Send Collision Conference an Email:
Click here to share a message with Collision Conference. Feel free to use the sample message below or create your own. Have ideas for women speakers? Share them in your message!

In an April 2015 blog, you said that “We want Collision to inspire and connect female entrepreneurs, senior executives and leaders.” So why aren’t you putting these women on stage? Right now, Collision Conference has 22% women speakers. There are over 100 more men speaking at your conference than women.

There’s still time to make a change: Add more women to your lineup and create the vibrant and inclusive array of speakers that we know you are capable of creating.