#HallofFame | 47% Women Speakers at Forbes Under 30 Summit

The Forbes Under 30 Summit brings together "2,000 of the planet's top young entrepreneurs and game-changers, as well as world class mentors" from October 4th through October 7th, 2015. The action-packed agenda covers everything from food to business to entertainment and includes an impressive lineup of 58 speakers.

This year, we're welcoming to Forbes and the Under 30 Summit to the GA Hall of Fame! 27 out of 58 of their speakers are women, giving them a #HallofFame-worthy gender ratio of 47% women speakers. 


Congratulate #Under30Summit and encourage them to keep up the good work! 

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47% women speakers= #HallofFame gender ratio at #Under30Summit! Great job, @Forbes!  http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/halloffame-47-women-speakers-at-forbes-under-30-summit #genderavenger