Good Read | Where women don’t belong: 2 strategies you and I both use to keep women out of science
By Cllackr (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
"Where women don’t belong: 2 strategies you and I both use to keep women out of science":
Are women in your blindspot?
The phenomenon is call implicit bias. If we take an implicit association test, we can uncover our deeply held beliefs about many different topics. For example, if we test our associations of math and science with men and women, most of us we realize that we assume men are more qualified than women in these areas.
Could this bias affect how employers hire people for jobs requiring skills in math and science? Could the implicit bias leading us to doubt women’s skills be part of the explanation for their relative absence in math and science careers? New research suggests this is true.
Read Curt Rice's full article at…
(thanks for the tip, Denise Graveline, aka @dontgetcaught!)