You Deserve a Pat On the Back

When the GenderAvenger community talks, people listen.

Exhibit A:

When GenderAvenger Founder Gina Glantz, along with help from Rose Horowitz and Cindy Gallop, called out personal finance startup SmartAsset for using a photo of eight guys to promote the firm, within two days they changed their tune and started using another image with four women and two men in their ads. AND, when our friends at ManelWatchAU tagged us in their tweet that called out SelectBio for only having one woman keynote speaker, SelectBio couldn’t take the heat and blocked us! They’ve since unblocked the GenderAvenger account, but they are still dishing out excuses rather than making real change. At least now they know that they’re on our radar.


Exhibit B:

We’ve had well over 100 people sign the GA Pledge recently. That’s more people sharing with the world that they will not serve as a panelist at a public conference when there are no women on the panel, and they can affect real change on conference stages and panels.

Exhibit C:

Thank you to everyone who has donated to GenderAvenger! We are this close to meeting our match amount from the Harnisch Foundation. We are on day 11 of the fundraising campaign and are 80% of the way to turning $25,000 into $50,000. If you’re a believer in our mission, invest in our future. Now’s the time to do it!


The @GenderAvenger community has shown up in 3 big ways this month by calling out (gender inequality), opting out (of #manels), and dishing out (their dollars). #GenderAvenger