Join This Group of Powerful Men Who've Pledged Not to Serve On All-Male Panels
Check out who has signed the GA Pledge recently. High fives to:
- Matt Boggie, CTO, Axios
- Sree Sreenivasan, Social media consultant/coach, Former Chief Digital Officer of NYC
- Daniel Wolf, CEO, Cape Air
- Charlie Isaacs, VP/CTO for Customer Connection, Salesforce
Charlie Isaacs’ reason for signing is exactly why we created the pledge:
“I’m willing to give up something I love to do (speaking on a panel) to give a woman in technology the opportunity to shine.”
Want to join this group of powerful men who have pledged not to serve on all-male panels? Do you know someone who should? Go for it!
Check out who has signed the #GAPledge recently. High fives to @MattBoggie @sree @charlieisaacs and Daniel Wolf for taking a stand. #womensvoicescount #genderavenger