#HallofShame | TechCrunch Disrupt SF

TechCrunch SF is an annual technology conference that claims to offer "iconic startup and thought leadership" and "special guest speakers, leading venture capitalists and fascinating entrepreneurs addressing the most important topics facing today's tech landscape."

Can you trust the thought leadership of a conference that will only have 28% women speakers onstage? Do you believe that they're able to address the most important topics facing tech when they haven't addressed an obvious gender gap in their speaker lineup? TechCrunch Disrupt 2014 had a mere 14% women speakers, so this year's higher number does represent improvement, but 72% male speakers is still a difficult number to praise.


TechCrunch Disrupt 2015 starts on September 21st and goes through September 23rd. That means TechCrunch has 34 days to improve their Hall of Shame gender ratio for speakers. Can they do it? Absolutely. Now let them know that they need to. 

Use the share buttons below to tell @TechCrunch to add women to their lineup.

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28% women speakers at #TCDisrupt. This is "iconic thought leadership"? You can do better, @TechCrunch http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/hallofshame-techcrunch-disrupt-sf