#HallofShame | Tell Forbes Technology Council That They Need Women's Voices

Forbes recently published what we can only assume was intended as a helpful article with advice geared towards the tech community: “What Qualities to Look for in Your Next Boss.” Who did they look to for their sage wisdom? Men.


Forbes solicited the advice of 11 technical executives from the Forbes Technology Council on what to look for when exploring a new career move. All 11 of the executives asked to contribute were men. It seems Forbes forgot that women also make upward career moves. Let’s remind them.

Tell Forbes Technology Council that they need women's voices.

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Hey @Forbes: women execs know a thing or two about looking for new bosses, too. http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/hallofshame-forbes-technology-council-needs-womens-voices @ForbesTechCncl #HallofShame