#HallofShame | 15% Women Speakers at WIRED Retail [UPDATE]
UPDATE: WIRED Retail has made progress, but still has plenty of room for improvement. There are now 25% women speakers at WIRED Retail.
WIRED Retail is a one day conference that bills itself as "an exploration of the future of retail" and promises "to present the future of retail - with those who are building it."
Apparently conference organizers Valtech and WIRED UK do not see women as a critical part of that future. Out of 13 Main Stage speakers, only two are women. That's 15% women speakers, a dismal gender ratio that has landed WIRED Retail in the GA Hall of Shame.
There's still time to make a change!
WIRED Retail starts on November 23, 2015. Conference organizers have more than a month to add more women speakers. Help us encourage them to make a change. By adding just a few more women speakers, WIRED Retail could move from Hall of Shame to Hall of Fame. We'd love to see that happen, but we need your help.
Use the share buttons below to encourage #WIREDRetail to add more women speakers.
15% women speakers at #WIREDRetail. You can do better, @WIREDUK & @Valtech: https://genderavenger.com/blog/hallofshame-15-women-speakers-at-wired-retail