#HallofFame: 48% Women on Anderson Cooper 360!

Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper 360 consistently featured a gender-balanced array of experts during its recent  discussions of presidential politics. The show included more than 40% women analysts every single week between February 29th and March 25th. It averaged 48% women analysts for these first four weeks of Who Talks?.

Anderson Cooper 360 shows that a Hall of Fame gender ratio is possible and sets a positive example for all the cable news shows we are tracking.

Send @AC360 a message on Facebook or Twitter to encourage them to keep up the good work!

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Keep up the #HallofFame work, @AC360! 48% women analysts in your #Election2016 discussions last month: http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/halloffame-48-women-on-anderson-cooper-360 #WhoTalks