Hall of Shame | Inter-American Dialogue Features 20 People, But Just 2 Women


A recent newsletter from Inter-American Dialogue was jam-packed with new content, experts in the news, and announcements for upcoming events. 

So what was missing? Women's voices. 

Seven pieces of "analyses from Dialogue members and staff" and one blog post are listed. None of them were written by women. 

Out of seven "Dialogue Experts in the Press," two are women. 

And their two upcoming debates? Five speakers are listed in the email. All of them are men. 

Gender balance creates richer analysis and more vibrant debates. How can you get a range of perspectives when you leave out half of the population? Women belong in the public dialog. A newsletter featuring just two women out of 19 people listed lands Inter-American Dialogue in our Hall of Shame. 

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 #HallofShame: Just 2 women out of 20 people featured in #InterAmericanDialogue newsletter: http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/hall-of-shame-inter-american-dialogue    #genderavenger