Hall of Fame: Spotify's Diversify Hackathon

Spotify's Diversify weekend hackathon has gained a spot in our GenderAvenger Hall of Fame, and it is one of our favorites. For Diversify, "…instead of hoping to achieve diversity amongst our attendees, [they] decided to make it a core requirement." Not only that, but they shared at length how they created an event with a focus on diversity. Out of 40 participants, they had 17 women and 23 men. Congratulations on reaching 43%!

Celebrate Diversify's commitment to gender balance:


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Great #HallofFame: @Spotify's #Diversify sought gender balance & they show us how! http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/hall-of-fame-spotifys-diversify-hackathon #genderavenger #changetheratio

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