Hall of Fame | Foreign Policy's Leading Global Thinkers of 2014
Foreign Policy's "A World Disrupted: The Leading Global Thinkers of 2014" list is out, and it's good:
When its history is written, 2014 will be remembered as a year when remarkable individuals smashed the world as we know it—for better and for worse. While some left horrific wreckage in their wake, others showed that a better future demands tearing down foundations and building something entirely new.
Foreign Policy's list is comprised of 131 people, 51 women and 80 men, which is just a hair's breadth under 40% women. When people ask where the women are, they're obviously just not looking. Thank you, Foreign Policy!
Celebrate Foreign Policy's inclusion of women:
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Let's celebrate @ForeignPolicy's 2014 #globalthinkers list. It's nearly 40% women! http://www.genderavenger.com/blog/hall-of-fame-foreign-policys-leading-global-thinkers-of-2014 #genderavenger