#GoodRead | Everybody's Invited to My All-Male, All-White Literary Panel!
"Everybody's Invited to My All-Male, All-White Literary Panel!":
Given the twelve-hour notice, however, along with our inability to compensate you in any way, and our unwillingness to compensate you even if we could, I completely understand that most of you — including all our woefully underrepresented contributors who do not identify as heterosexual white men — will not be able to participate in this seminal event, except perhaps as late-arriving, paying audience members ($5 at the door).
Your practically guaranteed disinclination to participate is a shame, because, as the literary gatekeepers for this region, we’re trying to give you a once-in-a-lifetime, breakthrough-level opportunity here.
Read Christopher Martin's full article at McSweeney's Internet Tendency here…