#GoodRead | 7 Seminal Moments In The History Of International Feminism You Need To Know
by Shigeru Tamura, via Wikimedia Commons
"7 Seminal Moments In The History Of International Feminism You Need To Know":
How much feminist history did you learn at school? Hopefully you were introduced to Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Mary Wollstonecraft, and you were probably drilled in the dates universal suffrage became legal. But what about feminists in other countries? As today's feminists continue to attempt to make the movement more intersectional, acknowledging the competing discriminations of class, race and economics, and more inclusive (i.e. not just for rich white girls), it's become even more crucial to understand that there is a joint, international feminist history worldwide. These different activists may not have met up for tea, and would likely have disagreed on certain issues, but these women agitated for the rights of their gender and deserve to be more widely known.