#GAReads | Women are leading the wave of strikes in America. Here's why.
photo credit: Jordan [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0], via Flickr (cropped)
"Women are leading the wave of strikes in America. Here's why.":
The US is in the grip of a wave of strikes in our public schools. As a national organizer for the International Women’s Strike, which took place on 8 March let me also add: “at last”!
The mainstream US media have been generally supportive of the strikes. They have highlighted how decades of neoliberal cuts to public education have kindled these flames. They have talked about how stagnant salaries mean teachers are unable to keep pace with the rising cost of healthcare. What they have not talked about is this: the strike action is led almost exclusively by women.
Read Tithi Bhattacharya's full article at The Guardian here…