#GAReads | Women Are the Future of Philly's Food Scene
photo credit: Fernando Aguilar, via Unsplash (cropped)
“Women Are the Future of Philly's Food Scene”:
“Nobody would write about me if I didn’t make myself noticed, so if you’re not going to pay attention to me, I’ll make you pay attention to me. I’m funny as shit. I’m a mom. I’m five-foot-two. I’m really good at cooking. So many women in the industry are doing amazing, entrepreneurial, underground things — but they get trumped by yet another article written about Nick Elmi or Michael Solomonov. This business is all about showmanship now, and although I view myself as a real chef, most of the time I feel like a fly in milk.”
Read Alex Tewfik and Ashley Primis’ full article at Philadelphia Magazine here…