#GAReads | The $12 Trillion Mutual Fund Men's Club Needs More Women

"The $12 Trillion Mutual Fund Men's Club Needs More Women":

By now we know that having more women on leadership teams enhances businesses. We also know that women have qualities that make them good investors, such as their approach to risk. Why then are there still so few women money managers? The figures are even starker than you might imagine.
According to a 2015 analysis by Morningstar Inc. (the most recent year for which data is available), only 2 percent of the assets in the more than $12 trillion U.S. open-end mutual fund universe were managed exclusively by women, and just 2.5 percent of the funds had a woman as sole manager. Sadly, the rates are unlikely to have changed much since then.

Read Tara Lachapelle's full article at Bloomberg here…