#GAReads | Public relations agencies are dominated by women. So why are all their leaders men?
photo credit: Richard Rutter [CC-BY-2.0], via Flickr
"Public relations agencies are dominated by women. So why are all their leaders men?":
If you’ve ever worked with a public relations professional, chances are she was a woman. Sure, there are plenty of men in the industry, but for the most part it’s a profession dominated by women. In fact, PR is an industry that is inclusive of women at every level—except for the very top.
The world’s biggest PR agencies are most guilty of this imbalance. This reality was put back into focus with the recent elevation of Karen van Bergen from CEO of Porter Novelli to head of the newly formed Omnicom Public Relations Group. This leaves Donna Imperato at Cohn & Wolfe as the only female CEO among the world’s largest firms.