#GAReads | James Beard Awards Apply a New Yardstick: Good Behavior
James Beard. Photo credit: Bill Golladay [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
"James Beard Awards Apply a New Yardstick: Good Behavior":
The foundation for the first time has advised the people who nominate and vote for the winners to add a new set of criteria. In addition to what’s on the plate and how a dining room executes service, contenders must also possess “the values of respect, transparency, diversity, sustainability and equality.”
The foundation’s language is brief and somewhat vague. But as a result, this year’s list of semifinalists, announced on Thursday morning, looks noticeably different from past lists. This year, 40 percent of the nominees are women, up from 27 percent last year.
Read Kim Severson's full article at The New York Times here…