#GAReads | Girl Scouts Pen A Powerful Letter About Gender Equality To Boy Scouts
by Orange County Archives from Orange County, California, United States of America (Laguna Niguel Girl Scouts, 1975) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
"Girl Scouts Pen A Powerful Letter About Gender Equality To Boy Scouts":
Women don't exist to serve as a mere symbol of equality. They exist to earn and experience the same privileges and advantages men do. That's why the idea that Boy Scouts USA plans to recruit Girl Scouts to boost membership is so problematic, according to BuzzFeed News.
In light of dwindling enrollment, BSA is "surreptitiously testing the appeal of a girls’ offering to millennial parents," said Girl Scouts of the USA on Monday in a letter to the Boy Scouts of America. By trying to appeal to these parents' progressive sensibilities, they plan to extract Girl Scouts from the environment in which they thrive to serve a purpose that is, frankly, not their problem.