Avenger of the Week | NewsMavens

A note about our Avenger of the Week series. Moving forward, this section will highlight members of the GenderAvenger community who are going above and beyond calling out conferences, earning Stamps of Approval, signing the GA Pledge, or just overall fighting for gender parity in their field. Know someone who qualifies? Let us know, and they may be featured in an upcoming newsletter.


This week’s Avenger of the Week, NewsMavens, was discovered by Elmira Bayrasli (@endeavoringE).

The goal of NewsMavens is to “show the world that collaboration is the new disruption”. It was launched by European journalist, editor, and women’s advocate Zuzanna Ziomecka when she decided to find out what news would look like if it was curated entirely by women. Her thought? That “because women represent only on average 27% OF TOP MANAGEMENT in European news rooms”, the reporting of news must be skewed. She wanted to “curate news about current events from EACH EU COUNTRY from the under-represented, FEMALE PERSPECTIVE.”

The news stories they curate are not by women, for women; they are rather a more concise selection of news stories chosen by women to provide a more well-rounded look into what’s happening all over the EU.

What if only women chose what goes on the front page when curating news in Europe? @GenderAvenger’s #avengeroftheweek @NMavens is looking to find out. h/t @endeavoringE #genderavenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/avenger-of-the-week-newsmavens