Avenger of the Week | YOU, Our GenderAvenger Community
For winning Stamps of Approval, signing our Pledge, taking action, calling out manels, manferences and any other mancentric list, forum or workshop you find, and for just plain paying attention to gender balance or lack thereof, you, the GenderAvenger Community, are our Avengers of the Week. Our reach is far and wide because of your untiring desire to smash the patriarchy and guarantee that women’s voices are heard.
The @GenderAvenger reach is far and wide because of the unwavering desire of its community to smash the patriarchy and guarantee that women’s voices are heard. #avengeroftheweek #genderavenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/avenger-of-the-week-genderavenger-community
image credit: Anaëlle Gamanho