Action Alert | We're Watching 25 All-Male Panels at BIO International Convention (#BIO2018) This Week
A few weeks back, we called for the BIO International Convention to eliminate manels at their 2019 conference. The 2018 conference taking place this week has 25 all-male panels, and that’s 25 too many, so we’d love for you to join us on social media this week and urge BIO to commit to change in 2019.
Share this throughout #BIO2018, June 4–7:
Save this image to when you share!
Suggested text:
25 #manels in one event is 25 too many manels. We hope @BIOConvention will commit to change in 2019. #BIO2018 #genderavenger
Share these manel-specific #BIO2018 on June 6 and 7:
(Add these to your calendar!)
Share today on Wed, June 6, 3pm–4pm EST
Suggested text:
Oh look! Another #BIO2018 #manel is taking place right now. GA Tally: #genderavenger
Share today on Wed, June 6, 4:15pm–5:15pm EST
Suggested text:
Oh look! Another #BIO2018 #manel is taking place right now. GA Tally: #genderavenger
Share on Thurs, June 7, 9am–10:15am EST
Suggested text:
Oh look! Another #BIO2018 #manel is taking place right now. GA Tally: #genderavenger
Share on Thurs, June 7, 10:30am–11:45am EST
Suggested text:
Oh look! Another #BIO2018 #manel is taking place right now. GA Tally: #genderavenger