Action Alert | Frontiers 2018 Conference Falling Short of Slack's Proclaimed Commitment to Diversity
image credit: Slack [public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The GenderAvenger team is spread out all over the country (and Canada!), so we rely on Slack every day to keep on keeping on. Last year around this time, we congratulated Slack on the speaker lineup for their 2017 Frontiers conference.
Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for this year.
The Frontiers 2018 conference speaker lineup consists of 67% men and only 33% women. There are still more speakers to be announced, and given that the conference is about six weeks away, we’re confident the organizers will right this wrong and make good on their commitment to inclusion and diversity.
Fix the gender balance of your 2018 Frontiers speaker lineup and make us proud like we were last year, @SlackHQ. 33% women is simply not good enough. #slackfrontiers #genderavenger