πŸ“£πŸš¨ GenderAvenger Action Alert | Happening Now: Lollapalooza's Festival of Patriarchy

Lollapalooza begins TODAY, and 84% of the festival performers are men, which means only 14% are women, 40% of whom are women of color.


Music festivals consistently fall short when it comes to the gender balance of performers, but, honestly, we expected more from one of the biggest festivals in existence.

πŸ“£πŸš¨ @lollapalooza kicks off today. With a lineup that includes just 14% women, it’s time for this well-known music festival to lead by example and put more women artists on stage! #Lolla #TooManyMen #GenderAvenger https://www.genderavenger.com/blog/action-alert-lollapalooza-patriarchy-festival