Action Alert | Not Enough Women at American Conference of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting

The American Conference of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting takes place later this month, and there are not enough women speaking. 67% of the highlighted lecturers are men and 33% are women, none of whom are women of color. The gender balance of those leading the highlighted symposia is even worse: 76% men and 24% women, 8% of whom are women of color. Those numbers taken together mean that, of all the highlighted speakers at this meeting, 74% are men and only 26% are women. Having far more men in the most visible speaking spots perpetuates the stereotype that men are more knowledgeable than women when it comes to both sports AND medicine and devalues women’s voices in the field.

With too many men in the most visible speaking spots at the @ACSMNews Annual Meeting, organizers are fueling the stereotype that men know more than women in both sports AND medicine, and it devalues what women bring to sport. #ACSM19 #GenderAvenger