4 Easy Steps to See Who's Dominating the Conversation During Who's Talking Month

May is Who’s Talking Month at GenderAvenger, so we thought we’d show you how easy it is to use the Time Who’s Talking part of the GA Tally app to determine if men are dominating the conversation.

image credit: visuals, via Unsplash

4 Easy Steps to Discover the Gender Balance of Who’s Talking:

ONE. Once you’ve downloaded the GA Tally app, click on Time Who’s Talking.

TWO. There are two ways to track talk times:

  • During your meeting, workshop, or whatever discussion you’re tallying, each time a man talks, click on Dude. Each time a woman talks, click on Not a Dude. If you are only timing panelists and not the moderator, or if you are watching pre-recorded audio or video, you can pause the count and continue it later. 

  • You can also enter times manually rather than tracking them in real time. This is especially useful if you are on a platform that automatically reports how many minutes each participant spoke at the conclusion of a video or conference call.

THREE. Once you are finished counting, just fill in how many Dudes and how many Not Dudes were in the conversation. Add in the name of the event and, if you know it, the event hashtag.  You’re done! Click Submit.

FOUR. Now you can share your tally via your social media channels and email, download the image, and/or submit it anonymously, if you wish. The anonymous option allows GenderAvenger to share your tally without it being associated with you in any way if you choose. 

Time Who’s Talking makes it easy to determine whether women’s voices are being heard just as much as their male counterparts. For example, take this recent Brookings webinar: not including the moderator, 67%two of the speakers were men, but one was a woman, and the men did more than their share of the talking! Even though this webinar didn’t feature a manel, it wasn’t far off for all the talking the men did:


What about this town council meeting? The tally certainly speaks for itself:


Of course, tallies don’t always show poor results. This recent American Enterprise Institute (AEI) webinar on how schools should prepare for post-COVID-19 teaching clearly demonstrates what happens when moderators make sure all of the speakers get equal talk time. Way to go AEI!


Are women getting equal talk time during your meetings and other online events you are looking in on? There’s an easy way to find out — Time Who’s Talking!