Good Read | How Mentorship Plans to Bring Diversity to Tech and Science — With LinkedIn's Help
by Ex-Wrans Association of New South Wales [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
"How Mentorship Plans to Bring Diversity to Tech and Science — With LinkedIn's Help":
"There's an economic imperative for more diversity," says Fernandez. By continuously re-drawing the same pool of white, privileged males, we're putting ourselves at a competitive disadvantage. We ignore this, she says, at our own peril. "You had better be tapping all potential talent," she says. "Women have to be part of the story. Latinos have to be part of the story. First-generation college attendees have to be part of the story."
Read Chris Gayomali's full article at Fast Company here…
(thanks Karen Catlin, aka @kecatlin, for the tip!)